Noreen Ramsay


Fabric of Life

Fabric of Life Fern

Fabric of Life Crossknit

Fabric of Life Thorn

From the close knit of our relationships
to the threadbare of our despair,
Through the tangled threads weaving
the fabric of our lives,
We seek the pattern and the meaning in the fiber of our being.



Gifts for Special Occasions
Click on any image to expand, then again to reduce.

Noreen‘s beautiful art works are ideal gifts for special occasions.

When you are looking for a really special present for a celebration like a wedding, consider buying one of these unique, handcrafted gifts.

When it is your responsibility to purchase a corporate gift for a commemoration or retirement Noreen can design and make a beautiful gift, which will include imagery that is relevant for the person’s life.

Each Fabric of Life piece is accompanied by an inspirational poem that complements the artwork and deepens the experience of owning it.

Individually made in an unusual combination of glass and porcelain, these art works are classic, sophisticated gifts which bring a note of luxury where ever they are placed.

Purchase one of these pieces for the sheer pleasure of having a beautiful object in your home to contemplate.

You can contact Noreen directly to place an order.

Thomond Rising 2 Glasshouse 2 Hunt Museum


Galleries representing Noreen Ramsay’s work: